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    from the Wayland Weston " Great road," beginning treatment in the two hospitals was different, and that The road from the centre to the south part was early went north of the present road to Lanham. Traces of this road are still visible by the bank. The Castle- hill Road is in the town's northwesterly We have no knowledge of the origin of the name. It selllenieiit which e.Ktended from the Parmenter tav- hill or knoll along which it passes. Jdha Haynes on the west side of the river and John just below forms a junction with Mill Brook. Clay-pit Hill. — This is on the east branch of Mill a small bridge or culvert at the head of the mill-pond, it was considerably raised to take it above high water. building. point a little east of Clay-pit Bridge Hill, and passing acres of laud. It was set ajiart in 1640, and in 1804 John Adams'." Or I'luitnie. — This was a reservation set apart in which it derives its name. There was also a small-po.x Woodward on the east side of the river. Pine Plain. — This consists of the plain lands east- The Till I iiiii;/- Field. — This was situated just south of the causeway last ma<le, and is on the South Sudbury .Mill Brook. Ilridli Point. — This is often referred to in the early short distance southwesterly of the High School In 1653 "it was voted to accept of a highway laid early made. Other clay-pits were at Timber Neck, po.x patient juvt east of Bridle Point Bridge. name from Philemon Whale, one of the early settlers, a new bridge w:is constructed, and the causeway about In 1773 town action was taken relative to the "dis- Curtis, Esq., by Lt. Rice's to Weston." part of Pine Plain on the easterly. It is crossed by the Abel (rleason place, and consisted of about nine Pl.^ces of Interest. — WJiale's Bridge. — This is names from the clay-pits near by, where bricks were age " (present VVettingtoc place) was laid out about The road from the centre to the " Bridge Parson- and early referred to in the town records. It took its Brook at John Grout's. Formeily a read passed "the ponds" went to the north part of the town. Pine Brook. — This is a small stream that skirts a Bridell I'.iynt. Brook, about an eighth of a mile above the mill-pond. 1770. Sudbury was made in the early part of the present The yiw Caii-'^rwii/. — This, as the name implies, is re<ords, and is a well-known ami ancient landmark. near the junction of Mill Brook and Pine Brook, a In 1743 an offer was made of land by Edward Sher- highway from Whale's Bridge over Pine Plain. situated between the North and .South Streets towards erly of Wayland Centre, in the vicinity of the Sum- growth of pine forest found there. on the roail to the " Farm " or " Island.'' Recently wood. A small-po.x hositital was formerly there, from Clay-pit Hill Bridge. Both of these places took their continuance of the road from Dr. Roby's to Zecheriah century. part, and probably so called from the peculiar-shaped way by Mr. Eliab Moore's north corner, formerly Mr. point just ea^it of the mill. Briant's" (Braman place). In early times there was a road from Pine Plain to (,'lay-pit Hill to the norlli part of the town. man and John Woodward for a " good and conven- athan Grifiin's Corner running southwesterly into the In 1736 a new highway is spoken of over Pine northerly from the Pine Plain Road, starting at a ern to the town bridge. It was a terra used by the old T/ie Street. — This is tliat part of the old road of the causeway bridge. In a deeil of lIKid it was siielled "Northwest Row" was a road still open as a pas- I-itnii Brill;/'-. — This is the one that crosses the river and now largely abounds with berry bushes or brush- WAYLAND. The I'lick Pimture. — This is northerly of Pine Plain, a small bridge near the Joseph Bullard place, and li)4il as a coinnion pasture for working oxen. It was inhabitants, and is still familiar in the town. erect a bridge over the river. The same year a sub- There is a bridge near by, called Clay-pit Bridge or town way leading from the Training field by Ephraim scription was made for a bridge between the land of mer Draper place. The locality is early mentioned the road, now discoMtinued, that extended from near A lane to the Cakebread Mill formerly extended is the extremity of the ridge of land by the new at a point just west of Deacon Noyes Morse's house. the Cakebread Mill, which entered the riiill road at a New faiiseway or Bridle Point Bridge. in the records, and probably took its name from the opened and called " Cotchituatt Road." hospital on the " Island." Tradition states that the It is stated that about 1735-36 there was a change of ient way, two rods wide," in case the town would out from Pelatiah Dean's north east corner unto y' The new "great road" from Wayland to South of them recovered. There is the grave of a small- ture-path or hay-road, from the neighborhood of the 433 whose home may have hem near by. aud Wayland great roa<l. At the eastern end is the was .sold to Nathan Gleason. in one must of the patients died, and in the other most The same date a road was laid out from " Mr. Jon- Gleasons to the river meadow margin. Tlic Pumii. — These are small bodies of water near




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